This comedy sitcom first episode purpose is to introduce a new character to the series : Ashton Kutcher ; who is playing Walden Scmidt role , due to the fact that Charlie Sheen was fire.
This new episode is about how Charlie Sheen´s character , Charlie Harper , dies and they try to put his beach house on sale. By that time Jon Cryer´s role , Alan Harper , meets Walden Schmidt who casually is a internet millionaire who tried to kill himself in front of Charlie´s house. They meet and begun some kind of friendship. The episode ends by Walden´s desire to buy the beach house. This new season is completely different from the others so try to be open minded when receiving a hole new character.
Lorre,Ch. , Aronshon , L.(2011).Two and a Half Men.(Video).Warner Brothers.
This new episode is about how Charlie Sheen´s character , Charlie Harper , dies and they try to put his beach house on sale. By that time Jon Cryer´s role , Alan Harper , meets Walden Schmidt who casually is a internet millionaire who tried to kill himself in front of Charlie´s house. They meet and begun some kind of friendship. The episode ends by Walden´s desire to buy the beach house. This new season is completely different from the others so try to be open minded when receiving a hole new character.
Lorre,Ch. , Aronshon , L.(2011).Two and a Half Men.(Video).Warner Brothers.
Saved on September 22nd 2011 from
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